1 in 3 Canadians will experience a mental health problem in their lifetime. Mental health disorders are challenging for people living with them as well as their loved ones, but these conditions can be overcome with the appropriate treatment and the help of your pharmacist.
Managing mental health conditions is challenging. It’s already hard enough to remember to take the medication on a regular basis on top of everything else. Let the pharmacist help you manage prescription renewals by synchronizing the refill dates.
Your pharmacist can also assist you in your role as caregiver, and can refer you to support networks, as needed.
We all, at some point in our lives, experience certain events that upset us to varying degrees and trigger a lot of anxiety. Sometimes you may feel so overwhelmed by your emotions that you lose control and experience a panic attack.
Learn how to differentiate them

Your pharmacist offers private consultations to discuss your personal situation, assess your current medication, talk about alternative options and make sure your side effects are not disruptive

With some adjustments from your pharmacist, side effects can be minimized, harmful drug interactions can be limited and dosages can be decreased in a way that is not detrimental to your well-being.

Having a list of your medication on hand in case of emergency, travel or a doctor appointment can be quite useful. Ask your pharmacist to prepare it.
* The information contained herein is provided for informational purposes only and is not intended to provide complete information on the subject matter or to replace the advice of a health professional. This information does not constitute medical consultation, diagnosis or opinion and should not be interpreted as such. Please consult your health care provider if you have any questions about your health, medications or treatment.